Just got a text message from someone in my phone that I have saved as “Yes Hot”. I have no idea who this is but I answered of course. I wouldn’t save someone in my phone as “yes hot” unless I was trying to tell myself to say “yes” because he is “hot”.
A few years ago I started a database where I keep track of the men I’ve slept with, the ones I want to and the ones to stay away from. Too many times I arranged a hookup with a repeat that I didn’t realize I had already done before with no desire to do again. The database contains pics, numbers, notes and warnings so I can minimize the chances of re-doing a loser or someone that I didn’t feel chemistry with. I’ve also logged thieves, of which there are many. I truly don’t understand why people think that it’s ok to take something that doesn’t belong to them. It happens so freaking often, too. Makes me want to kill.
Oh, well.. Go figures that Thursday, Friday and Saturday night all go without any interest from anyone and now I have yes Hot and some dude named Alex both on their way over. Should be interesting.