Last year right about this time I had a trick over from Scruff. He stole my laptop. Luckily I had iCloud on it I had the guys name his phone number and because I had iCloud I knew exactly where the laptop was.
I walk to the police station. I file the report. The San Francisco police department refused to do anything about it even after giving him the person’ name, the person’s number, their location, the serial number of the laptop and a picture of the thief.
Merry fucking Christmas. This Police Station was one in a neighborhood that isn’t even busy for them. Nobody speeds, there’s no crime for the most part and they seem to spend a lot of time at the convenience store.
I mean seriously what the fuck?
I could maybe see it if it were in a high-crime neighborhood. But it’s not.
The non-action clearly states that they don’t care. Certainly doesn’t make me feel safe.
This is the kind of thing that makes ordinary citizens take things into their own hands.