I had a fucked up day.
Probably not as fucked up of a day as a lot of other people, my problems are relatively tame compared to some.
I’m living with someone that is developing psychosis as a result of doing too many drugs. He has become obsessed with finding out why I’m spending all of my waking hours devising ways to drive him mad. Like turning out the lights. Or sleeping. Or going to work, eating taking a dump or breathing. I’ve never met someone who self-absorbed that he truly believes that every little action that I take has something to do with him.
This morning I get a text saying “Thank you for helping me last night, I broke your knife getting into my room”. Evidently he had texted me in the middle of the night because he’d locked himself out of his room and wanted to borrow a credit card so he could break in. Why he locks his room is a bit of a mystery – evidently he thinks I’m out to take his stuff. The only things I’d take out of his room are the things he has “borrowed” from me without asking.
Anyway, I was sleeping. He heard clicks and talking coming from my room so he thought I was ignoring him. Out I was. From 9pm-6:30 am. Psychosis. I told him he needed to get help and he said he was going to a meeting.
And then he wants to talk, but he can only do this via text messages. Tonight we were supposed to talk and when I got home he said he had gotten some bad news and didn’t feel like talking. Not surprised. And no meeting either. On top of that, he asked me to front a teen until Friday. Really?
I’ve been to 12-steps groups. And although I think they are bunk, they can do some good things for certain people. I’m all for people achieving their goals so if you tell me you’re going to go to meetings, the last think I’m going to do is front you crack. Sorry, just not about getting in the middle of someone’s goals. Or being the subject of a speaker at a CMA meeting.
Speaking of CMA meetings, there’s a shit show. It’s like everyone you’ve ever fucked in the same room and if there happens to be someone you haven’t fucked you can guarantee that you will by the end of the day. Incestuous group of tweakers, that is. The last place you want to go if you want to get sober is a CMA meeting.